Hey all, so for the next little bit, Hannah, Lauren, and I are going to work on making something traditionally very high tech in a low tech and very inexpensive manner. Overall cost to make our projector: $3 Â Â Â If you buy one… get one free However, this is even more inexpensive if you […]
Every Live Action Disney Movie You Didn’t Know you Were Waiting For

Disney seems to have landed on a jackpot recently. They own Marvel, Star Wars (along with all of Lucasfilms), all their blockbuster classics, Pixar, Disney-Pixar, and the rights to the Live Actions for the old classics. So basically every blockbuster movie coming out in the next while is owned by Disney. But let’s talk about […]
Waiting on Wednesdays

Hello again! The summer is coming to a close soon, I know, I can’t believe it either. But now’s the time to get back into writing and blogging, and after my short break, I’m happy to have a new post up! This one is a Waiting on Wednesdays post, with my top five books I’m […]
New Series Part one: Why Blog?

So I’m starting a new series: Tips for Getting Published. Post #1: why blog? Well first. What is blogging? That can be different depending on the blogger. You could have a photo blog to showcase recent works. Or business website, where you blog about tips and tricks on the side. There are motivational […]
Angel Process

Recently I did a work using Sketchbook Pro on my mac, that was an image of a girl with wings or an angel. I didn’t look at any other pictures, so I must apologize in advance, for her wings are no where near being anatomically correct to any bird. So if you are an avian […]