Pepper is a Tufted Deer fawn. The Tufted deer is one of the smallest kinds of deer, like the muntjac, and they are found mostly in Burma and China. When they grow up, the males grow fangs, much like prehistoric relatives. Pepper is a baby girl, so she won’t grow any fangs, I promise. She […]

Pebbles is an interesting little orphan, shy at first when we discovered him, but very quickly grew fond of attention, especially belly rubs and scratches behind his ears! We still aren’t quite sure whether this little guy is a fox, or a wolf, or a lost pup, but he’s friendly and playful just the same. […]

The golden monkey is a species of Old World monkey found in the Virunga volcanic mountains of Central Africa. When full grown, their fur develops into a lush ember that very much resembles the fire of a volcano. Oscar, however, is just a baby golden monkey, and so his fur is still pale like the […]
Writing on Wednesday: Still

I sit, currently, in my bed, tucked under my quilt, the single light illuminating the room being the desk lamp within reach. It’s late, and I just have gotten back from an exam. Calculus. But by the time you will be reading this, it’s likely already Wednesday morning. That’s the joy of being able to […]
Frozen Flames Cover Reveal

The day is finally here guys and I couldn’t be more thrilled to announce this event! Today I get to share with you the cover of a work that has been in progress for a very long time. This is a project that was born over four years ago.However, I’ll spare you the sappy backstory […]