School’s fun… for a while. But honestly. Why do they think kids can last for a whole ten months with only a few week breaks in between? It’s unreasonable. I’m exhausted by January, and in May, work just isn’t a thing anymore. Dear School advisors and the directors of the board. Please take into account […]
Truly. Writers Block and How to Overcome it

Well. I haven’t written a post in a long long time. Part of that is because I’ve been crazy busy with school and everything else. And part of that is because I’ve been trying to figure out what to write. Writers Block. What a lovely thing. I think that’s what I’ll write about now, because […]
Words of Wisdom

You can never cross an ocean until you have courage to lose sight of the shore ~ Christopher Columbus
Review: Winners Curse and Winners Crime

The first book, “Winners Curse” was an emotional roller coaster, and I was very thankful to have “Winners Crime” handy beside me because of that cliff hanger. However, having just finished Winner’s Crime, I am left wondering what to do with myself after an even more heart wrenching cliff hanger than the first had, and […]