You’ve probably heard the age old warnings about showing vs telling at least somewhere along the way. But this issue really is a huge one, and it’s important to stress, so I thought I’d post 2 in my writing tips series on showing and telling. Without further ado… I’m not talking about show and […]
Never Use These Five Words in Your Writing

Ever wonder why some stories just grabbed your attention, held onto it, and wouldn’t let it go, even long after the book was done? Those were the books that you couldn’t put down at three in the morning. They made you laugh and cry, and desperate to get the next one in the series. You […]
Truly. Writers Block and How to Overcome it

Well. I haven’t written a post in a long long time. Part of that is because I’ve been crazy busy with school and everything else. And part of that is because I’ve been trying to figure out what to write. Writers Block. What a lovely thing. I think that’s what I’ll write about now, because […]
The Last Pages Release!
Drum roll please! dun dun dun… The Last Pages has released! Yay! It is officially available on Amazon, and in one or two weeks, it will also be available as an ebook! Now, to celebrate, I have here with me, two sample chapters. Enjoy. […]
Writing Process Blog Tour!
So, I was invited to participate in a writing process blog tour, and so here is my post. I am so sorry that this took so long, to all of those who were expecting this. First and foremost, thank you to Megan Easley-Walsh, for nominating me. I will have links to her blog and a […]