If you’re an artist, you’ve probably heard of Etsy somewhere, and even if you’re shaking your head right now, I highly recommend checking it out. Etsy, in short, is a virtual marketplace specifically for crafters. So in the same way that you’d go to a tailor for a wool coat before those tailors were replaced […]
3 Ways to Improve Your Writing Overnight

When writing, there are a few simple mistakes that any novice will make without realizing what they are doing. These mistakes mark a piece of work as unpolished, or written by a beginner. Luckily, they are also easy to spot and easy to remedy. Before we start, remember that, while editing can be painful, in […]
NaNoWriMo and Writer’s Block

If you are unfamiliar with this project, it’s a pledge to write a 50,000 word novel by the end of November. Thousands of novelists, published or not, sign up to try and complete this task.

Peter is a red fox kit from the lakes of Canada. He loves to explore in piles of leaves, chasing beetles and digging holes. He is incredibly curious, and absolutely loves meeting new people. This kit is not very shy and his friendly nature means that he is always ready to play. Wherever he goes […]