I sit, currently, in my bed, tucked under my quilt, the single light illuminating the room being the desk lamp within reach. It’s late, and I just have gotten back from an exam. Calculus. But by the time you will be reading this, it’s likely already Wednesday morning. That’s the joy of being able to […]
A Christmas Collection of Crafty Things

Today is the last day before the break guys! Yay!!! We made it! And this is going to be an awesome two weeks off. Now you might be wondering what to do with all your amazing time off… right? I know I know. You just don’t even know what do with the time off! ; […]
Valentines, Romance, and Being Single

So… valentines. A day dedicated to love. It’s the day to post cute pictures on Facebook and Instagram of you and yours holding hands or cuddling. It’s the day to send sweet love notes and flowers, opening secret notes in the high school staircase, hoping that it is from that special someone. Yup, Valentines is […]
Of Comfy Chairs, Books, and Other Things…
To say that tonight is a silent night, would be a lie. To say it is a quiet one is more near the truth. The elms and evergreens outside are basked in shadows, and yet they are full of life. Late summer breezes blow through their branches, lifting the soft chirping of the crickets high […]
Back From Camp
Camp. Now that’s a word that has a bunch of different meanings. To some, it means going camping out in the woods. To others, it means making a tent out of a sheet in the living room and watching discovery channel. To others, it means heading up to the cottage. And to still others, it […]