So I’m starting a new series: Tips for Getting Published. Post #1: why blog? Well first. What is blogging? That can be different depending on the blogger. You could have a photo blog to showcase recent works. Or business website, where you blog about tips and tricks on the side. There are motivational […]
Tips for Your Writing Needs
Determination, and Why it Plays with Procrastination and Perfection
Here’s another post in my write tips series. This is going to be number four. And actually, it’s not going to be about how to technically improve your writing, but how to help you in improving your writing. This relates to exams as well, I found, and so it falls right around that time of year. My […]
The Death of ‘Said’

My next writing tips post is on dialogue. This is a huge topic for writers, as it can be very challenging to come up with witty, emotional, and yet realistic conversations between two fictional characters. Luckily, there’s an easy place to start, and that is with ‘said’. This is the most simple dialogue tag in […]
Distancing Yourself from Your Writing, and Why this is so Important

Part 3 of my writing series is on the relationship between authors and their readers! And…. well… the extent of this relationship should be very very little. And this is why… Readers want to get into a book. They want to see the world, live in it for a few hours… meet the characters, and […]
Show and Tell

You’ve probably heard the age old warnings about showing vs telling at least somewhere along the way. But this issue really is a huge one, and it’s important to stress, so I thought I’d post 2 in my writing tips series on showing and telling. Without further ado… I’m not talking about show and […]