Guyssssssssss. Guess what? I have a super exciting event coming up, and if you read the title of this blog post, then you already know what it is.But I am so thrilled to announce that my cover reveal for Frozen Flames is scheduled for February 17th!I am pumped! My baby will be making its debut […]
All the ins and outs of writing
Monday Musings

Monday A Poem. Why do we sit here, and wonder what to do, when the list is three miles long? There’s an essay due on Wednesday, an exam on Thursday, But we complain. There’s nothing to do. You see those things on the list won’t give us the satisfaction that we long for. […]
Characters… the Fingerprints of a Novel – Plus an interview with the cast of “The Others”

It’s often said that characters can run away with a novel, and I totally agree. That’s because real people have opinions and personalities, and if you have a diverse novel, then you shouldn’t be agreeing with your characters all the time. They’re going to do things you don’t want them to, and your novel will […]
Editing 101

Post number two in my ‘Tips for Getting Published’ series. This one is huge. Editing. If you already have a super polished manuscript, and are very confident in your editing skills, then feel free to skip this post. However, if you are like me and could always learn more tips, I hope some of the […]
Writing on Wednesdays

Hello world. Sorry for the long absence. Surprise… I started university, and man, can life get hectic. In high school, exams were restricted to a nice week. Now you can be studying for seven weeks for the 9 different midterms you have, spread out through the short four month term of school. Joy. So I’m […]