My next writing tips post is on dialogue. This is a huge topic for writers, as it can be very challenging to come up with witty, emotional, and yet realistic conversations between two fictional characters. Luckily, there’s an easy place to start, and that is with ‘said’. This is the most simple dialogue tag in […]
Everyday Life
The Truth about Good and Evil

In an earlier post, The Myth Around Evil Villains, I talked about how villains shouldn’t be flat characters in your writing, and should have thoughts and motivations like everyone else. Reading my post, however, I realized that I hadn’t specified one very important point: Just because villains have thoughts and motives, and even a likeable […]
Words of Wisdom

You can never cross an ocean until you have courage to lose sight of the shore ~ Christopher Columbus
Focus, Perspective, and why they are Cliche for a Reason

Here’s a common cliche on perspective: If things are going wrong, maybe you should take a step back and look again. Cliche… what an ominous word. It’s enough to make authors and readers alike cringe. For those of you who don’t know, a cliche is a common or overused phrase, like “one man’s trash is […]