Post number two in my ‘Tips for Getting Published’ series. This one is huge. Editing. If you already have a super polished manuscript, and are very confident in your editing skills, then feel free to skip this post. However, if you are like me and could always learn more tips, I hope some of the […]
Author: Lara Whatley
Writing on Wednesdays

Hello world. Sorry for the long absence. Surprise… I started university, and man, can life get hectic. In high school, exams were restricted to a nice week. Now you can be studying for seven weeks for the 9 different midterms you have, spread out through the short four month term of school. Joy. So I’m […]
Making a Low Tech Projector: Step Three – Revision

We put our heads together and worked on refining our creation. We changed the settings on the phone so that the image would not rotate, and then flipped it upside down. This was to ensure that the image would be right side up when displayed on the wall. We also moved the paperclip stands inside […]
Making a Low Tech Projector: Step Two – Construction

We met again with all our supplies, and got ready to put together our projector. First step was cutting a circle in the end of the box. We traced around the magnifying glass, and then used our scissors (it would have been better to use an exacto-knife or cardboard cutter) to cut open the end. […]