So I just came back from a SMT (Short-term Missions Trip) that completely changed my life. I would have come back and written about it right away for you guys, but of course, it didn’t happen. Miss one week of school and voila, you’re months behind. So, here I am, finally free of homework (for […]
Author: Lara Whatley
Should I? Should I Not? Should I?
Initiative and confidence can escape us when we need them most. It happens all the time right? We say, “It’ll totally be a blast, I mean, performances? I’ve got this down pact.” Then we get up onto the stage and our palms start to sweat. The crowd doubles in size and your heart leaps […]
Tale as Old as Time… Why We Love Stories
When we were little, even before we could read, stories enthralled us. Children will sit on their beds, knees tucked up to their chests, and listen as their parents wove a tale filled with knights, magic, honor, and love. When we finally learned to read, some of us would spend all day in a […]
The 3 Reasons Why Your Imagination is Like a Pair of Binoculars
Binoculars? Really? Yes. Imagination is a crazy thing, and if you have even a little of it, you will know what I mean. It almost has a mind of its own. But as to the three reasons of why your imagination is like a pair of binoculars, well… 1. Binoculars are used to get a different view […]
Pets, Pets, and More Pets!
We’ve got two great dogs at home. The one that you can see watching us from the dock’s name is Lexi. She’s a Labrador Retriever and has been an angel in the family for the six years we have had her. Now I know that animals may not be your highest priority of interest. But I […]