Here’s a common cliche on perspective: If things are going wrong, maybe you should take a step back and look again. Cliche… what an ominous word. It’s enough to make authors and readers alike cringe. For those of you who don’t know, a cliche is a common or overused phrase, like “one man’s trash is […]
Author: Lara Whatley
What Colour is the Dress?
So… the topic of discussion everywhere today… what colour is the dress? I honestly have no idea… but what I see is baby-blue with a browny-gold lace.
Promotion or Indifference, Freedom or Oppression?

It’s a balance, isn’t it? I was just thinking about all the political changes that are happening right now in Canada, and those who are arguing for and against the decision to abolish the law against doctor assisted suicide. It’s been a topic for ages really… freedom, and how much of it is healthy, and […]
Valentines, Romance, and Being Single

So… valentines. A day dedicated to love. It’s the day to post cute pictures on Facebook and Instagram of you and yours holding hands or cuddling. It’s the day to send sweet love notes and flowers, opening secret notes in the high school staircase, hoping that it is from that special someone. Yup, Valentines is […]